As many of you know our Parish is a Next Generation Parish and we have been in the midst of our implementation phase and very soon we will be entering into our assessment phase where we will retake the DMI(Disciple Maker Index Survey). Each of our committees have been hard at work implementing new initiatives at our parish with the help of other parishioners. For those of you who don't know our NGP committees are Faith Formation lead by Deacon Ernie and Carla Falco, our Service Committee lead by Amy Simon and Bill & Maria Kuttruff, and lastly our Parish Family Committee lead by Monique Timberlake-Brady and Gerald Tran.
As part of our Faith Formation initiatives we had many events and programs that have been implemented:
-Bible Timeline Study(May-October)
-Fall Retreat(October
-Outdoor Rosary(October)
-Marian Consecration Group(October-November)
-Word of the Day Groupme(October-present)
-Mission of the Messiah book Study(December)
-The Chosen(December-present)
-All Day Wednesday Adoration(January 2024-present)
Please continue to pray for our initiatives here and let us know how we can help serve you better!